I feel sorry for all these dupes who have been manipulated by the WT corporation to work for free and when they get old (according to the 'Vow of Poverty' that they are required to sign) have no pension and will be thrown to the curb as no longer useful or profitable to the slave driving Corporation to fend for themselves in poverty.
They maybe dancing and acting like clowns now but in 20 or 30 years they will be singing the blues with out a nickle in their pockets and still waiting for the no show 1000 year reign of Christ.
They really need to take more seriously the finacial trouble the GB have gotten the Corporation in with all these child molestation lawsuits pay out and the general ineptitude of the GB CEOs to steer this Corporation to profitablity leading to a1000 man lay off for all the old timers at bethel and the forced retirement of over the hill Circuit Overseers that are forced to receive hand outs and rely on the charity of the Jws in their locality.
It sorta reminds me of the illustration of what I used to hear in public talks at the Kingdom Hall about getting better accommodations on the Titanic as it was sinking to the bottom of the sea.